- 27. August 2022, Kuching (Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo)
Borneo Cultures Museum. ISARS Conference 2022. Panel: ‘Art, Performance and Healing’; Paper: ‘Curating Shamanic Identities: Museum Collections and Immaterial Knowledge’. - 8. July 2022, Prague (Czech Republic)
Faculty of Arts, Charles University and the Oriental Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences. 16th IATS Seminar 2022 (International Association for Tibetan Studies). Paper: ‘René de Nebesky-Wojkowitz and Christoph von Fürer-Haimendorf’. - 26. May 2022, Basel (Switzerland)
Fantasy Basel – The Swiss Comic Con. Pop culture convention. Talk: ‘Mythos Samurai’. - 31. March 2022, Bern (Switzerland)
University of Bern, Institute for the Science of Religion and Central Asian Studies, Seminar: Kirāt religion through the ages: Portrait of the local religion(s) of the Kirāt-Rai in Nepal (Marion Wettstein). Guest lecture: ‘Das Totenritual der Dumi Rai in Ostnepal’. - 26. -29. July 2021, Vienna (Austria)
University of Vienna, ECSAS 2020 (26th European Conference on South Asian Studies). Panel: ‘Cultural flows in the Singalila borderlands: Trans-border linkages in East-Nepal, Sikkim and Darjeeling’, Paper: ‘Political borders and the transformations of Kirat Rai mythology’ (co-presenter Marion Wettstein). - Feb.-July 2021, Bern (Switzerland)
University of Bern, Institute of Art History, Übung: “Globale Sammlungen in Europa mit Schwerpunkt Schweiz” im Modul 1 “Theoretische und praktische Grundlagen I: Postkoloniale Perspektiven” des Studiengangs Provenienzforschung (with Karin von Niederhäusern and Samuel Bachmann). - 10. September 2020, Bern (Switzerland)
University of Bern and Bernisches Historisches Museum, Conference ‘Material Culture in Transit’, Paper: ‘The Myth of the lost Word: Museums, Oral Traditions, and Object Biographies’. - 1.-6. February 2020, Tokyo and Kyoto (Japan)
Tokyo National Museum in collaboration with Tokyo National Research Institute for Cultural Properties and Kyoto National Museum, 6th Curatorial Exchange Program for Japanese Art Specialists in U.S. and European Museums and International symposium “Building Diverse Narratives: The Arts of Japan in Museum Exhibitions”. - 3. October 2019, Zürich (Switzerland)
University of Zürich. Autumn School ‘Asia and Europe. Discourse, Circulation and Representation’, Guest Lecture ‘Curating Ethnographies: Museological challenges between field-research, museum storage and public display’ as part of the workshop ‘Museology and Museography’. - 1.-2. July 2019, Haifa (Israel)
University of Haifa, Department of Asian Studies. Workshop ‘History through Rituals: Lessons from the Indo-Tibetan Frontier’. Paper: ‘‘Reverse engineering’ the ritual code: an experimental approach to the comparison of rituals through the logic of computer programming languages’ - 28. Feb. 2019, New Delhi (India)
Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi, Centre for North East Studies and Policy Research. Conference Keynote: “Photography and the formation of a visual and material habitus of ‘the Nagas’ in Northeast India: a historical perspective onto both sides of the ethnographic Lens”. Interdisciplinary Conference “Materiality and Visuality in North East India”. - 20. Dec. 2018, Bern (Switzerland)
Haus der Religionen. Vortrag ‘Asiatisch-Ozeanische Ahnenkulte’, im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung zur Ausstellung “ENDLICH Religion + Tod”. - 26.-27. May 2018, Davos (Switzerland)
Japan-Festival ‘JapAniManga Night 2018’. Kongresszentrum Davos.
Lectures/Workshop: ‘Von Geishas, Samurai und der Liebe zu Japan: Einblicke in die Kunstgeschichte Japans’. - 9. May 2018, Cologne (Germany)
KOLUMBA Museum Köln, in Kooperation mit a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School for the Humanities & Global South Studies Center GSSC, Universität zu Köln, Kunsthochschule für Medien, Köln und dem Allerweltskino Köln. Ringvorlesung “Medien der Fremderfahrung, Grenzerkundungen zur Ausstellung »Michael Oppitz. Bewegliche Mythen«”. Vortrag “Die Gegenwärtigkeit des verborgenen Raums: Erkundungen zu Ritual und Topographie im Schamanismus Ostnepals”. - 23. Jan. 2018, London (UK)
Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland (RAS). Lecture: ‘Images and (Post)colonial Encounters: A history of the visual representation of the Nagas of Northeast India. - 1. Dec. 2017, Hanoi (Vietnam)
Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences (Hanoi). ISARS Conference 2017 ‘Expanding Boundaries: Ethnicity, Materiality and Spirituality’. Paper: ‘Curating the Immaterial: Museums, Theme Parks, and the Visibility of Shamanic Practices in Eastern Nepal’. - 12. May 2017, Vienna (Austria)
University of Vienna, Center for Interdisciplinary Research and Documentation of Inner and South Asian Cultural History (CIRDIS). Workshop ‘Kiranti Language and Culture in a Comparative Perspective’. Paper: ‘Eternalising one’s Name: Comparing Rituals of Status between Eastern Nepal and Northeast India’. - 6. May 2017, Zürich/Schaffhausen (Switzerland)
University of Zürich, Institute of Art History; Museum Rietberg; Moser Familienmuseum Charlottenfels. Conference ‘A l’Orientale – Collecting, Displaying and Appropriating Islamic Art and Architecture in the 19th and Early 20th Centuries’. Paper: ‘The Henri Moser Collection at Bernisches Historisches Museum’. - 8. February 2017, Melbourne (Australia)
LaTrobe University (LTU), 3rd Workshop of the International Consortium for Eastern Himalayan Ethnolinguistic Prehistory (ICEHEP). Paper: “‘Chamdam’ as a Feast of Merit: Comparing Status Rituals of the Dumi Rai of Eastern Nepal and the Ao Naga of Northeast India”. Co-authored and presented with Marion Wettstein. - 4. November 2016, Paris (France)
Musée du Quai Branly / Université de Paris Panthéon Sorbonne & Vincennes-Saint-Denis. Journée d’étude “L’ethnologie en images: collecter, classer, publier”. Talk: “Images, Impacts and Identities: The ‚archival’ history of the Nagas of Northeast India“. - 5. August 2016, Kathmandu (Nepal)
Kirat Rai Academic Council. Talk: “Topics and Methodology in Dumi Rai Mundhum Research”. - 5. May 2016, Vienna (Austria)
University of Vienna, Department of South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies. Nepal Symposium. Paper: ‘Digitale Jenseitswege und die Archivierbarkeit von Ritualen: Dokumentations- und Archivierungsstrategien in der Erforschung ritueller Landschaften Ostnepals’. - 28. April 2016, Halle (Germany)
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Zentrum für Interdisziplinäre Regionalstudien. Ringvorlesung „museum 4.0 – herausforderungen an kulturelles erbe in der digitalen welt“. Vortrag “Digitale Archive und deren Nutzung als Primärquellen in der ethnologischen Forschung: Das Beispiel der Naga Nordostindiens” - 21. April 2016, Zürich (Switzerland)
University of Zürich, Religionswissenschaftliches Seminar. Gastvortrag “Jenseitswege und Ahnentopographie: Zum Totenritual der Dumi Rai in Ostnepal”, im Rahmen der Vorlesung “Todesrituale” (Prof. Dorothea Lüddeckens). - March – June 2014, Vienna (Austria)
University of Vienna, Department for South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies. Proseminar ‘Rituelle Landschaften in Nepal’. - 19. March 2016, Zurich (Switzerland)
University of Zurich, Institute for Art History, Section of East Asian Art. International Symposium: Katagami in the West. Paper: ‘The Katagami Collection of the Bernisches Historisches Museum’ - 24. Nov. 2015, Bern (Switzerland)
Institutskollquium am Institut für Sozialanthropologie der Universität Bern. Vortrag ‘Verborgene Quellen neu erschlossen: Die ethnografische Sammlung am Bernischen Historischen Museum’ - 12. Oct. 2015, Delphi (Greece)
ISARS Conference 2015 ‘Sacred Landscapes and Conflict Transformation. History, Space, Place and Power in Shamanism’.
Paper: ‘Visualising the Ancestral World: Digital Ethnography and the study of Ritual Landscapes among the Rai of Eastern Nepal’. - 23. May 2015, Berlin (Germany)
Humboldt-University Berlin, Institute of Asian and African Studies (Central Asian Seminar). Block-Seminar ‘Using Visual Sources for Qualitative Research’ (with Prof. Toni Huber). - 22. May 2015, Berlin (Germany)
Humboldt-University Berlin, Institute of Asian and African Studies (Central Asian Seminar). Block-Seminar ‘Shamans and Neo-Shamans in Asia / Autonomous Ritual Specialists in the Central Asian region’ (with Prof. Toni Huber). - 24. Sept. 2014, Beijing (China)
ISTAI Symposium 2014. Panel on (Digital) Cultural Heritage Protection, related to a planned project on the protection of Naxi Dongba Manuscripts.
Paper: ‘Digital Archives as Primary Sources in Social and Cultural Anthropology: A case study of the ‘digital presence’ of the Naga tribes of Northeast India’. - 22. Sept. 2014, Beijing (China)
Minzu University of China, Institute of Global Ethnology and Anthropology (IGEA).
Lecture: ‘Surveying the Ancestral World: Contemporary Studies on Ritual Speech and Sacred Landscapes among the Rai of Eastern Nepal’. - 24. August 2014, Ascona (Switzerland)
ERANOS Tagung ‘Der heilige Berg’.
Vortrag: ‘Ritual und Raum im Schamanismus Ostnepals’. - 26. July 2014, Zurich (Switzerland)
23rd European Conference on South Asian Studies University of Zurich (Switzerland).
– Co-Convenor of Panel P28: ‘Public displays of ethnic identity in Nepal’.
– Paper presented: ‘New ritual landscapes and the formation of Rai ethnic identity in Eastern Nepal’. - 4. to 5. April 2014, Vienna (Austria)
Workshop: ‘Kiranti Culture in Contemporary Nepal’. Department of South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies (ISTB), University of Vienna.
– Co-Convenor of the workshop.
– Paper presented: ‘Walking with the ancestors: New approaches to the study of ritual landscapes in Eastern Nepal’. - 31.10. to 1. 11. 2013, New Delhi (India)
Conference ‘History Through Images: Exploring the visual landscape of Northeast India’. Nehru Memorial and Museum Library. New Delhi, India. Paper: ‘Images and Policies: Pictorial documentations as a mirror of political decision-making and infrastructure in the Naga Hills’. - 27.9. 2013, Aarhus (Denmark)
Conference ‘Ethnicity and Religion’. Aarhus University.
Paper (co-authored with Martin Gaenszle and Marion Wettstein): ‘The appropriation of ritual landscape and the formation of Rai ethnic identity in Nepal’. - 7. September 2013, Guiyang (China)
The 11th Conference of the International Society for Shamanistic Research. Guizhou Normal College, Guiyang.
Panel: Dealing with Violence, Conflict, Repression and Suffering in Shamanism.
Paper title: Between the Claims of Local Gods and Global Lifestyles: A case Study of a Shamans Personal Struggle in Eastern Nepal. (co-authored with Marion Wettstein) - 7. August 2013, Manchester (UK)
IUAES 2013: Evolving Humanity, Emerging Worlds; 17th World Congress of the IUAES.
Panel: ‘Photography as mediation of anthropological knowledge’.
Paper title: ‘The Visual Heritage of the Nagas: An Experimental Study on the Visual Anthropology of Vanished Cultural Practices’. - 4.-6. July 2013, Vienna (Austria)
Department of South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies of the University of Vienna, Austrian Academy of Sciences (Institute for Social Anthropology and Phonogrammarchiv), Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR): International Conference – Negotiating Ethnicity: Politics and Display of Cultural Identities in Northeast India. Chair of panel 5:
‘Display and Performance of cultural identities in Northeast India; Art and medias’. Paper Presented:
‘Watlong – the story of the Naga Queen and its variations’ (Panel: Panel 13: ‘Narratives, myths, and oral traditions’). - 6.11.2012, Lalitpur (Nepal)
UNESCO and Nepal Picture Library: The State of Nepal’s Photo Archives, One-Day Symposium. Yalamaya Kendra, Patan Dhoka, Nepal. Paper presented ‘The Fürer-Haimendorf Photo Collection: Experiences and Implications of an Online Archiving Project’. - 11.8.2012, Kathmandu (Nepal)
Siddhartha Gallery Kathmandu. Exhibition Postcards and Beyond: The Mukunda Bahadur Shrestha Photo Collection. Paper presented ‘Time Capsules of Knowledge: Photographic Archives : Treasure Boxes for Anthropology?’. - 21.7.2012, Kathmandu (Nepal)
The Association for Nepal and Himalayan Studies, Britain-Nepal Academic Council and Social Science Baha: Annual Kathmandu Conference on Nepal and the Himalaya. Co-Organisation of the Panel: Contemporary Studies on Ritual Performance and Ethnic Identity among the Rai of Eastern Nepal. Paper presented: ‘Walking with the Ancestors: Ritual Speech and Sacred Landscapes among the Rai of Eastern Nepal’. - 5.4.2012, New Delhi (India)
Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK and Commonwealth (ASA) Conference 2012, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi: ‘Framing the Colonial Encounter?: A discussion of Non-British pictorial sources of the Naga created during colonial times’. - 15.3.2012, Vienna (Austria)
Museum für Völkerkunde Wien / Museum of Ethnology Vienna: ‘Die Naga in der Photographie der 1930er Jahre: Eine Ethnographie in Bildern’. - 25.8.2010, Basel (Switzerland)
Schweizerisch-Indische Gesellschaft: ‘Was von den Kopfjägern übrig blieb: die Naga Nordostindiens im 21. Jahrhundert’. - March 2010, Zürich (Switzerland)
Religionswissenschaftliches Seminar der Universität Zürich: Course ‘Ethnologische Zugänge: Kopfjagd der Naga’, part of the PH-course ‘Religion und Kultur’ (with Urs Schellenberger). - 16.12.2009, Cambridge (UK)
World Oral Literature Project Workshop, CRASSH, University of Cambridge: ‘Reciting Landscape: Documenting Ritual Journeys and Landscape among the Dumi Rai of eastern Nepal’. - 30.10.2009, London (UK)
SOAS, University of London. The Fürer-Haimendorf Archive Online Launch Event: ‘Using the Fürer-Haimendorf photographs in field research in Nagaland’. - 14.1.2009, New Delhi (India)
Conference: Writing the Northeast, New Perspectives. CHS, Jawaharlal Nehru University: Naga: lineages of a term. - 2007-2008, Zürich (Switzerland)
Religionswissenschaftliches Seminar der Universität Zürich: Preparatory seminar for the exhibition-project ‘Jenseitswege: eine Spurensuche im Diesseits’. - 9.10.2008, Zurich (Switzerland)
Völkerkundemuseum der Universität Zürich: Die Naga in der Fotografie der 1930er Jahre. - 10.9.2008, Basel (Switzerland)
Museum der Kulturen Basel: Visuelle Repräsentation der Naga im Westen. - 5.6. 2008, Munich (Germany)
Staatliches Museum für Völkerkunde: Die Naga Nordostindiens: Identitätskonzepte zwischen Kopfjagd und Baptismus. - 17.1. 2008, Guwahati (India)
Conference ‘Northeast India and its transnational Neighbourhood’, IIT: ‘How to represent the Naga in Europe?’ (with Marion Wettstein) - 22.10.2007, Munich (Germany)
Oberseminar des Instituts für Ethnologie und Afrikanistik der Ludwig-Maximilians Universität: ‘Die Naga Nordostindiens: Identitätskonzepte zwischen Kopfjagd und Baptismus, work in progress’. - 2007
Völkerkundemuseum Zürich: Ethnographische Zeichnung (Seminar with Marion Wettstein). - 26.11.2006, Grossheppach (Germany)
Charlotte von Gaisberg-Stiftung. Schamanen im Kampf: Ethnographische Beobachtungen in Ostnepal. - 8.6.2006, Zurich (Switzerland)
(with Chatur Bhakta Dumi Rai): Ethnographic Museum of the University of Zürich. The Dumi-Rai: An Ethnographic Journey in Eastern Nepal. - 31.5.2005, Berne (Switzerland)
Institute for Ethnology of the University of Berne. Qualitative Datenanalyse - 21.9.2004, Kohima / Jotsoma (India)
(with Marion Wettstein). Jotsoma Science College, Nagaland. Ethnographic Research in European Universities and the Reception of Culture. - 2003-2006
Ethnologisches Seminar Zürich: Tutor of the course ‘Methods in Anthropology’ - 2002/2003
Völkerkundemuseum Zürich: ‘Ethnographische Zeichnung’ (Proseminar with Marion Wettstein). - 2003
Seminar assistant of Prof. Oppitz’ seminar: ‘Portraits von Lokalkulturen: Die Naga’ (with Marion Wettstein). - 2002-2003
Tutor of the course: Computer-aided analysis of qualitative data with ATLAS/ti.